MMF Nylon Vault Key-hole Signals - 25 / Box - 1.9" Width x 1" Height - Plastic - Blue

MMF Nylon Vault Key-hole Signals - 25 / Box - 1.9
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Vault Keyhole Signals quickly signal the status of locks to personnel and outside users with a color-coded system. They are ideal for use at banks, rental facilities or post offices. Made of colorfast, nonchip nylon, the 7/8" prongs securely engage lock tumblers for a tight fit. Offset head centers signal over keyhole opening. The 1/2" head fits most popular lock brands. Signals are scratch-resistant and chip-resistant as well as reusable. The color blue denotes rent overdue while other colors are designated for other signals.

General Information
Manufacturer: MMF Industries
Manufacturer Part Number: 2614018-08
Manufacturer Website Address:
Product Name: Nylon Vault Key-hole Signals
Packaged Quantity: 25 / Box

Product Information
Application/Usage: Bank

Physical Characteristics
Color: Blue
Material: Plastic
Height: 1"
Width: 1.9"
Length: 1.5"

Additional Information: Green denotes 'special uses', black 'death', white 'box for rent', red 'officially sealed by court or bank order', blue 'rent overdue', and orange 'more than one person needed to open box'
Environmentally Friendly: Yes